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Onboarding institutional investors, family offices and trusts in today’s asset management landscape requires a robust and efficient Business Know Your Customer (KYC) process. Traditional methods, however, often struggle with siloed information, manual tasks, and limited collaboration, leading to delays and inefficiencies. A centralised workspace offers a game-changing solution, streamlining workflows and enhancing compliance.

The Benefits of Centralisation for Asset Managers

  • Streamlined Onboarding: Asset managers can expedite the onboarding process for new institutional investors, freeing up valuable time for portfolio management and client relationship building.
  • Enhanced Due Diligence: Centralised access to KYC data and documentation allows for more efficient and thorough due diligence, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and mitigating risk.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Automated tasks like document collection, verification, and data entry free up compliance teams to focus on higher-value activities, such as risk assessment and regulatory analysis.
  • Seamless Collaboration: Centralised access to business KYC information facilitates seamless collaboration between compliance, legal, and investment teams, ensuring everyone is working with the same data and understanding.
  • Enhanced Data Security: Sensitive Business KYC information is stored securely within the client’s own centralised environment, with access controls and encryption measures to protect against unauthorised access and data breaches.
  • Real-Time Insights: Know Your Customer’s single API access to over 140 company registries globally provides real-time visibility into business KYC data within a centralised workspace. This allows for automatic ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) identification, facilitating proactive risk management and early detection of potential issues.

Real-World Success:

One of our clients, seeking to streamline their onboarding process, implemented the Know Your Customer (KYC) workspace. This resulted in a significant improvement in efficiency, reducing the average client onboarding time from 5 days to just 1 day, an 80% reduction.

The firm’s centralised workspace automated key tasks, such as document collection, verification, and risk assessments, allowing the compliance team to focus on more complex due diligence and risk management activities. The automated system also provided real-time updates on client data, ensuring they were always compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.

Why Asset Managers Can't Afford To Ignore Centralised Business KYC

The competitive landscape for asset managers is demanding, requiring them to deliver exceptional client experiences while navigating complex regulations. A centralized KYC workspace is no longer a luxury, but a necessity to streamline operations, enhance compliance, and build trust with investors. By embracing a digital-first approach, asset managers can unlock the full potential of their KYC program, attracting and retaining high-value clients, ultimately driving business growth and success. A commitment to robust KYC practices and a streamlined onboarding process demonstrates a dedication to excellence, fostering confidence and loyalty among investors.

Here's How A Centralised KYC Workspace Can Help You Achieve This:

  • Faster Time to Market: A streamlined onboarding process allows you to bring new clients on board quicker, enabling you to capitalise on investment opportunities and seize market share.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: Automating manual tasks and eliminating redundancies can significantly reduce operational costs, freeing up resources for other strategic initiatives.
  • Improved Risk Management: Real-time insights into company data and automated risk assessments allow for proactive risk management, minimising the potential for regulatory breaches and reputational damage.
  • Enhanced Client Satisfaction: A smooth and efficient client onboarding experience creates a positive first impression, fostering trust and loyalty among clients.

The future of asset management is digital, and a centralised business KYC workspace is a key component of this transformation. By embracing this technology, asset managers can unlock a world of possibilities, driving efficiency, enhancing compliance, and ultimately achieving greater success.

Experience the benefits of our Live Registry Solution and Automated UBO Engine to drive secure cross-border growth for your business.

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Nicolas Gaurier

With a wealth of experience spanning over a decade, Nicolas has been instrumental in advising APAC Financial Institutions on enhancing their AML/KYC processes. His true passion lies in deeply understanding the unique challenges faced by his customers and offering cutting-edge solutions to overcome them. Prior to his tenure at Know Your Customer, Nicolas held diverse positions at LexisNexis Risk Solutions for a duration of six years.