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Price Bands

NamePrice Band
Afghanistan Low
Albania Low
Argentina Low
Armenia Medium
Aruba Medium
Australia Medium
Austria Medium
Azerbaijan Low
Bahrain Low
Bangladesh Low
Belarus Low
Belgium Low
Belize High
Bermuda Medium
Bosnia Herzegovina Low
Botswana Low
Brazil Low
British Virgin Islands Premium
Brunei High
Bulgaria Low
Canada Medium
Cayman Islands Premium
Chile Low
China Low
Colombia Low
Costa Rica Medium
Croatia Low
Curaçao Low
Cyprus Medium
Czech Republic Low
Denmark Low
Ecuador Low
Estonia Low
Faroe Islands Low
Finland Medium
France Medium
French Polynesia Low
Germany Low
Ghana Low
Gibraltar Medium
Greece Low
Greenland Low
Guernsey Medium
Hong Kong S.A.R. ChinaMedium
Hong Kong S.A.R. China - Inland Revenue DepartmentMedium
Hungary Low
India Low
Iran Low
Iraq Low
Ireland Low
Isle of Man Medium
Israel Medium
Italy Medium
Japan Low
Jersey Low
Jordan Low
Kuwait Low
Kyrgyzstan Low
Laos Low
Latvia Low
Lesotho Low
Liechtenstein Medium
Lithuania Low
Luxembourg High
Malaysia Medium
Maldives Low
Malta Medium
Marshall Islands Low
Mauritius Low
Mexico Low
Moldova Low
Monaco High
Morocco High
Nepal Low
Netherlands Low
New Zealand Low
North Macedonia Medium
Norway Low
Oman Low
Palestine Low
Panama Low
Papua New Guinea Low
Paraguay Low
Peru Low
Philippines High
Poland Low
Puerto Rico Low
Qatar Low
Romania Medium
Russia Low
Samoa Low
San Marino Medium
Senegal Low
Serbia Low
Slovakia Low
Solomon IslandsLow
South Africa Low
South KoreaLow
Spain Medium
Sri Lanka Medium
Sweden High
Switzerland Low
Taiwan, ChinaLow
Thailand Low
Tonga Low
Trinidad and Tobago Low
Tunisia Medium
Turkey Low
U.S. Virgin Islands Low
United Kingdom Low
United States of AmericaMedium
Uzbekistan Low
Vanuatu Low
Vietnam Medium
Yemen Low